What, who,

huh? is a

Franck Coz?…

Hi, I'm Frank J. Bjerkeset Acosta, the creative mind behind Franck Coz Studio. As an Art Director and Senior Designer, my journey has been a dynamic blend of diverse experiences, exceptional clients, and memorable agency projects. Ready to elevate your brand? Let's create something extraordinary together.

Frank J. bjerkeset Acosta

Art Director /

Senior Designer

Ramen Lover



Design lifeline *

Design lifeline *

It all started with frequent visits to the principal's office for my artistic escapades – drawing on books, uniforms, walls, you name it, I covered it all! On one of those many "detained" days, she uttered the two magical words: "Frank, why not study GRAPHIC DESIGN?" And just like that, my life got a rocket boost…🚀

So, my journey kicked off from that pivotal moment!

Bachelor's in Graphic Design @ The Peruvian Institute of Art and Design

Call of Duty: The Royal Marine @ Norway - Madla / KNM Fridtjof Nansen-class F310

Illustration in Anatomy and Behavior @ Mexico - National Institute of Fine Arts - INBA

UX Principles and GUI @ Norway - Westerdals

GUI/UX the Prototype @ Norway - Epicenter

I've spread my creative wings working at agencies and freelancing globally:

Peru, Mexico, Miami, Spain, and Norway.

Fields I dominate:

Branding & positioning, Illustration, Motion Design, 3D and printing.

Fields I'm exploring:

Painting in aquarelle and acrylic on canvas and 3D motion.

Graphic Design & AD Experience:

Designer 17.5 years, AD Experience: 2.5 years

Language Proficiency:

  • Main: Norwegian

  • Secondary: Spanish

  • Secondary: English

Love affairs with agencies/companies:

  • Los Que Dibujan - Mex

  • Unfold (formerly Fold) - Miami

  • Painbucket / Intern - Norway

  • Visma / In-house designer - Norway

  • Oslo City Bike / In-house designer - Norway

  • Startuplab / Project Designer / Freelancer - Norway

  • Hill & Knowlton / AD / Designer - Norway / Spain

  • Franck Coz Studio / Freelancer - Through all the years

Rollin' with some lit companies in my journey:

Let’s get fu**** started!

Say holá